
[CLOSED] Consultants to improve integrated public complaints mechanism using SP4N LAPOR

08 Januari 2022 19:35 164x
[CLOSED] Consultants to improve integrated public complaints mechanism using SP4N LAPOR


USAID SEGAR is seeking Two Consultants (Lead + Junior) to support the improvement of integrated public complaints mechanism using SP4N LAPOR. Application code:

  • Lead Consultant: LEC-SP4N
  • Junior Consultant: JUC-SP4N

USAID SEGAR is a five-year (2021 – 2026) Activity designed to advance Indonesia´s development objectives in balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic and livelihoods development. To accomplish this, targeted subnational jurisdictions with high conservation values (HCV) and high carbon stock (HCS) will be supported to improve management of natural resources (NR) that measurably conserves biodiversity, decreases greenhouse gas emissions from unsustainable land use, and promotes sustainable and inclusive economic growth. USAID SEGAR works in four regions with total twelve intervention districts; 1) Aceh (Aceh Tamiang, Aceh Utara, Aceh Timur); 2) Central Kalimantan (Seryan, Kotawaringin Barat); 3) West Kalimantan (Ketapang, Kubu Raya, Sanggau, Sintang); and 4) East Kalimantan (Berau, Kutai Timur, Mahakam Ulu).

One of the anticipated outcomes of the Activity (Outcome A.3.) is that environmental governance bodies and NR managers equitably enforce natural resource laws, policies, and regulations to positively influence biodiversity conservation and GHG emissions reductions from land use. The core strategy to achieve this outcome is to strengthen the demand for/supply of improved enviornmental governance by public, private, and civil society stakeholders. In  Year 1, the Activity will begin to support the improvement of the environmental monitoring and response system managed by the government of Indonesia (GOI).

Between August and October 2021, the Activity assessed existing environmental monitoring and response systems employed by the government, including that of the Forest Management Units (FMUs), local governments, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), and the SP4N LAPOR (an integrated public complaints management system managed by the national government), as well as community-based monitoring systems. Based on the preliminary results of this assessment and communication with the Executive Office of the President (Kantor Staf Presiden) overseeing SP4N LAPOR, the Activity will undertake a follow-up assessment on SP4N LAPOR, and develop a pilot project to improve connectivity and effectiveness of the system in the district of Sintang, West Kalimantan.


  • To assess SP4N LAPOR managed by the relevant national and local government agencies in Sintang, West Kalimantan, including: (i) the overall functioning of the system related specifically to the management of forest and land use-related complaints and the connection between the national and local systems, and (ii) the connection between the complaints management system and the oversight and administrative law enforcement system at national and district levels.
  • To provide an analysis of the challenges and opportunities of the system to manage forest and land use-related public complaints to support environmental law enforcement.
  • To provide recommendations for improvement of the response system in managing forest and land use-related complaints to support law enforcement.
  • To support USAID SEGAR in developing a pilot project to improve SP4N LAPOR in managing forest and land use-related complaints in Sintang.
  • To develop a training manual for citizen environmental monitoring (an adaptation of the “This Is My Backyard”, TIMBY training manual that incorporates the minimum reporting requirements of SP4N LAPOR and other relevant reporting/complaint mechanisms, such as that of MoEF, FMUs, and local government agencies).

Expected Output / Outcome


  1. A report which responds to objectives (1) to (3) above.
  2. Concrete improvements to SP4N LAPOR, incorporating a dashboard on forest and land use related complaints.
  3. A pilot project for improved SP4N LAPOR employment in Sintang.
  4. A training manual on citizen environmental monitoring.


The environmental governance bodies and natural resource managers equitably enforce natural resource laws, policies, and regulations across the range of actors and stakeholders that influence biodiversity conservation and greenhouse gas emissions from land use (Outcome A.3).

Key Tasks

  • Develop a workplan and distribution of tasks between the team members; review and finalize the draft report and the training manual; lead coordination and engagement with the government; prepare and finalize presentations and materials (e.g., policy brief) for the governments (in coordination with USAID SEGAR).
  • Assess and analyze the SP4N LAPOR system managed by the relevant national and local government agencies in Sintang District.
  • Write an assessment report, including recommendations.
  • Write training manual.
  • Assist SP4N LAPOR responsible agencies in developing a pilot project in Sintang, including the SOP, and documentation of the process.

The working location of the above key tasks is in Jakarta and Sintang.


  • January 5, 2022 – A work plan on task distribution between the consultants and an engagement plan with the GOI (including agencies/officials to be engaged and strategy of engagement)
  • January 20, 2022 – First draft report (based on the Activity’s assessment on monitoring system, desk study, observations, and interviews with national agencies), containing: i) A description of the general business process of SP4N LAPOR at national and district levels; and ii)Materials for presentation to SP4N LAPOR Team.
  • February 15, 2022 – A draft of training manual for citizen environmental monitoring.
  • March 15, 2022 – Second draft report (based on the first draft report, observations and interviews with district agencies), containing: i) A description of the overall functioning of SP4N LAPOR at national and district levels; ii) An analysis on the challenges and opportunities in using SP4N LAPOR to manage forest and land use-related public complaints to support law enforcement and potential areas of improvement; and iii) Materials for presentation to SP4N LAPOR Team.
  • June 30, 2022 – A plan of development of  dashboard on forest and land use set up in SP4N LAPOR  (including the SOP – in the form of national or local regulations, if required).


Lead Consultant

  1. Minimum master’s degree in law, public policy, agriculture, forestry, or related field.
  2. At least 15 years of experience working with the national and local government on issues that are relevant to environmental governance, public participation, complaint/grievance mechanisms, and law enforcement.
  3. Proven track record in government engagement and good communication skills.
  4. Demonstrated knowledge and experience working on the issues of environmental monitoring.
  5. Strong understanding and experience using digital tools or apps for the management of public complaints/reporting.
  6. Strong understanding and experience in legal drafting.
  7. High level of understanding and previous involvement in training manual development.
  8. Strong oral and written English will be an advantage.
  9. Proven ability to lead a team in a collaborative fashion.
  10. Proven track record in government engagement and good communication skills.

Junior Consultant

  1. Minimum bachelor’s degree in law, public policy, agriculture, forestry, or related field.
  2. At least five years of experience working with the national and local government on issues that are relevant to environmental governance, public participation, complaint/grievance mechanisms, and law enforcement.
  3. Demonstrated knowledge and experience working on the issues of environmental monitoring.
  4. Strong understanding and experience using digital tools or apps for public complaints/reporting.
  5. High level of understanding and previous involvement in training manual development.
  6. Strong oral and written English will be an advantage.
  7. Proven ability to work in a team.

How to Apply

Please submit your CV or Resume to with the subject line “application code_Your Name” by January 2, 2022. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

Available in English