
Vacancy - STTA - Consultant to support the development of Environmental Management Performance Information (IKPLHD) – West Kalimantan

25 Januari 2024 16:21 228x
Vacancy - STTA - Consultant to support the development of Environmental Management Performance Information (IKPLHD) – West Kalimantan


USAID SEGAR is seeking a Short-Term Technical Assistance (STTA) to support the development of Environmental Management Performance Information (IKPLHD) for West Kalimantan

  • Job code: STIK
  • Type: Consultant
  • Coordination line: USAID SEGAR West Kalimantan Site Manager and Environmental Governance Site Specialist
  • Reporting line: Environmental Governance Lead
  • Expected DoH: February 15, 2024 – June 30, 2024
  • Level of Effort: 30 days

USAID SEGAR is a five-year (2021–2026) activity designed to advance Indonesia's development objectives by balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic and livelihood development. To accomplish this, the targeted subnational jurisdictions with high conservation values and high carbon stocks will be under improved management of natural resources that measurably conserve biodiversity, decrease greenhouse gas emissions from unsustainable land use, and promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

USAID SEGAR and the West Kalimantan provincial government have agreed to cooperate in the development of West Kalimantan Environmental Management Performance Information (Informasi Kinerja Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah/IKPLHD) document. The purpose of the IKPLHD document is to provide measurable performance information within a span of one year and as an effort for continuous improvement for the West Kalimantan Provincial Government to improve its performance in environmental governance, specifically in efforts to preserve and manage the environment in this province. There are several performance indicators measured in the IKPLHD document, such as, but not limited to, the availability of environmental data and information, waste management, pollution control, natural resource management, and environmental damage control.

This SOW is related to Outcome A: Subnational jurisdictions exhibit commitment and capacity to transparently plan, finance, and implement measurable inclusive development goals that prioritize biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from land use change, balanced with sustainable and inclusive economic growth.


The STTA will work closely with provincial counterparts, especially with the West Kalimantan Provincial Environmental and Forestry Office, Bappeda, and other national and provincial government agencies as well as key stakeholders in providing data and technical support and leadership to the development of IKPLHD.


  • Capacity of 10 provincial government staff to develop IKPLHD document improved.
  • Three to 5 strategic environmental issues defined.
  • Final document of IKPLHD available.
  • IKPLHD document presented to relevant stakeholders.


  • Provide capacity building for the technical team, which represents related government agencies at provincial level (LOE 4 working days).
  • Support public consultation to define 3 to 4 strategi environmental issues, by using DPSIR (Driving Force, Pressure, State, Impact, and Response) approaches (LOE 4 working days).
  • Support finalization of the IKPLHD: (1) Executive Summary, (2) Completion Report, explain causal relationships among DPSIR elements (LOE 17 working days).
  • Support expose of IKPLHD document to relevant stakeholders (LOE 4 working days).
  • Write a final report to document the process to support the development of IKPLHD in West Kalimantan (LOE 1 working day).


  • Report on result of capacity building for at least 10 persons in the technical team in producing IKPLHD document, containing materials/topic delivered, approaches used, pre and post test result, analysis on how provincial government staff capacity have improved, and challenges.
  • Report on completed public consultation(s) to define strategic environmental issues were conducted and identified 3 – 5 strategic environmental issues to be addressed in the IKPLHD document.
  • Final draft of IKPLHD document available that contains strategic environmental issues in West Kalimantan and comply with the letter of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Number: SE.4/SETJEN/DATIN/DTN.0/4/2023 dated April 18, 2023 Regarding the Submission of DIKPLHD Guidelines for 2023.
  • IKPLHD document presented to relevant stakeholders.
  • The final IKPLHD document submitted to the West Kalimantan Environment and Forestry Office (ready to be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry).
  • Final activities report.


  • Minimum master's degree in a field relevant to natural resource management such as forestry or environmental science.
  • Minimum 5 years of experience working in the field of preparing strategic environmental strategic documents, such as IKPLHD, KLHS, environmental plan (RPPLH), or other related documents.
  • Demonstrated understanding of the management and sustainable use of land and natural resources as well as social, economic, and environmental issues linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience and proven track record in the preparation of strategic documents such as IKPLHD, KLHS, environmental planning (RPPLH), or any other related environmental documents.
  • Prior experience in producing high-quality reports in similar work.
  • Proven ability to work in a team.
  • Knowledge of West Kalimantan.


Please submit your application to with the subject line “STIK_Your Name”. The application will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and early recruitment may occur until the position is filled.

Available in English