
[CLOSED] Vacancy - STTA - Environmental Governance Assistant - Aceh

02 Oktober 2023 10:19 246x
[CLOSED] Vacancy - STTA - Environmental Governance Assistant - Aceh


USAID SEGAR is seeking a Short-Term Technical Assistance (STTA) the position of Environmental Governance Assistant. The STTA aims to support the Environmental Governance activities in Aceh province, particularly in Aceh Tamiang, North Aceh, East Aceh.

  • Job code: STEG
  • Type: STTA / Consultant
  • Level of Effort: 40 days
  • Job location: Aceh/Banda Aceh
  • Reporting line: Aceh Site Manager
  • Expected DoH: Immediately
  • Duration: Assignment through December 31, 2023

USAID’s SEGAR Activity seeks to advance Indonesia’s own development goals of balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic and livelihoods development. USAID SEGAR contributes to the 2020 – 2025 USAID Indonesia Country Development Cooperation Strategy, Development Objective 3: Environmental Sustainability Improved, and Intermediate Result 1, Natural Resource Management Improved.

To achieve the overall goal, USAID SEGAR will achieve the following two objectives:

  1. Strengthened inclusive environmental governance in targeted subnational jurisdictions that advance biodiversity conservation, sustainable forest management, and sustainable land use.
  2. Increased implementation of environmental and social sustainability goals within private sector natural resource commodity production supply chains that reduces threats to biodiversity and greenhouse gas emissions from land use.

USAID SEGAR works in four regions with a total of twelve intervention districts:

  • Aceh: Aceh Tamiang, North Aceh, East Aceh
  • West Kalimantan: Ketapang, Kubu Raya, Sanggau, Sintang
  • East Kalimantan: Berau, East Kutai, Mahakam Ulu
  • Central Kalimantan: Seruyan, West Kotawaringin


  • Assume responsibility for environmental governance activities in each USAID SEGAR´s provinces and districts, with an overall focus on building the environmental governance capacity of subnational jurisdictions.
  • Provide technical advice on environmental governance, particularly its application at site level, to Site Managers, the Deputy Chief of Party, other component leads, and specialists.
  • Support Aceh Site Managers in developing and implementing a comprehensive environmental governance plan for improving land use decision-making in relevant subnational jurisdictions.
  • Provide analysis and advice on existing environmental policy frameworks in relevant subnational jurisdictions.
  • Advise on policy development at subnational level relevant to the Activity, such as, but not only limited to, Important Ecosystem Area (IEA) and land use plans, etc.
  • Undertake pragmatic political economy analysis (including stakeholder analysis and mapping) at site level to periodically inform the Activity.
  • Support key stakeholders in partner jurisdictions to improve their performance on planning, financing, and implementation of activities related to managing forest cover, HCV and HCS areas, threat levels, deforestation rates, and other relevant
  • Identify stakeholder training needs for better management of HCV and HCS areas and coordinate training at site level as needed.
  • Work closely with the Environmental Governance Lead, Biodiversity Conservation Lead, and relevant specialists to foster a community of practice of good environmental governance, and to strengthen subnational governance frameworks and multi-stakeholder entities.
  • Contribute to the preparation and submission of annual work plans and periodic progress reports and assist with monitoring relevant Activity indicators and evaluating Activity results.


  1. Preferred resides within the province of activity
  2. Bachelor´s degree in Law, Public Policy, Agriculture, Forestry, or related field.
  3. At least 5 years of experience working in the environmental governance and natural resource management fields, including policy-related
  4. Demonstrated knowledge and experience working on the issues of green growth and sustainability related to policy making, development planning, public reporting/response mechanisms, and law enforcement.
  5. High level of understanding of relevant laws and policies in environmental management, development planning, budgeting, public monitoring, and decentralization in Indonesia.
  6. Strong understanding of, and previous involvement in, development planning and public monitoring efforts.
  7. Wide range of contacts with government, law enforcement, civil society, media, academia, think tanks, and other groups in the natural resources management sector (environment, forestry, agriculture, etc.).
  8. Good written and verbal
  9. Fluency in Bahasa (written and verbal).
  10. Proven ability to work in a team.


Please submit your application to  with the subject line “STEG – YourName”. The application will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and early recruitment may occur until the position is filled.

Available in English