USAID SEGAR is seeking a short-term technical assistant/Consultantpreparing business development Model for Agroforestry Product of LPHD Karangan Dalam to develop business model in Karangan Dalam Village, East Kutai, East Kalimantan.
USAID SEGAR is a five-year (2021 – 2026) project funded by USAID, designed to advancing Indonesia's development goals in balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with sustainable economic development and livelihoods inclusive. To achieve this, districts with high conservation values and high carbon stocks are becoming an area of USAID SEGAR support, it is hoped that resource management will improve nature and be more measurable in conserving biodiversity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions glass from unsustainable land use, as well as promote economic growth sustainable and inclusive.
Fiscal Year (FY) 24 will see as an important shift in the Biodiversity Conservation component from strengthening the conservation, environmental, and land-use focus of development planning with subnational governments, which has been a large feature of work to date under Objective A, to greater on-the-ground conservation action and sustainable land management planning and activities. While there will still be a significant amount of initiated planning activities under process that required for finalized, overall investment will be lower and local government partners will be required to provide significantly more co-financing. Additionally, support for good planning will increasingly target FMUs and villages. There will be greater integration of biodiversity conservation actions with village-level land use planning and sustainable livelihood interventions, facilitated by incorporating part of the village strengthening/sustainable livelihoods work under biodiversity conservation.
USAID SEGAR in East Kutai district, East Kalimantan provinces continued collaboration with PT Dharma Satya Nusantara (DSN) will support the Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) Karangan Dalam in developing the business plan to strengthening the conservation action through the sustainable livelihood of community. To develop this business plan, a consultant to support the Activity is needed. The consultant will be assigned to prepare a business plan which will become a reference for LPHD Karangan Dalam in operationalizing sustainable market partnership with DSN and other potential non timber forest product buyers. Preparing this business plan will contribute to Objective B of USAID SEGAR which is increased implementation of environmental and social sustainability goals within private sector natural resource commodity production supply chains and several related indicators such as the number of people with improved economics and receiving livelihood co-benefits (Indicator 6 and 10), actual and imputed value of sales for goods and services associated with the implementation of USG sustainable landscape activities (Indicator 11).
To provide a business plan for reference of LPHD Karangan Dalam to support business partnerships with Agroforestry Product buyers.
Please submit your application to SEGAR-Recruit@chemonics.com with the subject line “STLPHD_YourName”. The application will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and early recruitment may occur until the position is filled.
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