
Celebrating Independence Day, Kubu Raya District Government Empowers Independent Palm Oil Farmers with STDB

August 23, 2023 09:08 110x
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Rayakan Hari Kemerdekaan, Pemerintah Kabupaten Kubu Raya Serahkan STDB kepada Petani Sawit Swadaya

Regent Muda Mahendrawan of Kubu Raya personally presented the symbolically issued STDB to representatives of independent smallholders from four villages within Kubu Raya. Photo: USAID SEGAR

In a significant gesture on August 17, 2023, coinciding with Indonesia's 78th Independence Day celebrations, the Kubu Raya District Government distributed Cultivation Registration Letters (STDB) to over 500 independent smallholders. The symbolic handover of the STDB was conducted by Regent (Bupati) Muda Mahendrawan to representatives from four villages: Teluk Bayur, Sungai Asam, Pasak Piang, and Mega Timur.

"At the 78th Anniversary of Indonesia's Independence commemoration, the Kubu Raya District Government expresses its gratitude by granting a special gift to independent oil palm smallholders in the form of STDB. This was symbolically represented by 12 smallholder representatives. Managing the STDB through the e-STDB application, under the Ministry of Agriculture, demonstrates the government's dedication to empower and provide legal certainty for independent oil palm smallholders' land in Kubu Raya," shared Regent H. Muda Mahendawan, SH.

In 2023, the Kubu Raya District Government has collaborated with USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) to champion sustainable environmental governance, including within the palm oil supply chain. USAID SEGAR, through JARI Indonesia Borneo Barat, extended its support to independent smallholders in the district's four villages. These smallholders were assisted in fulfilling the STDB registration prerequisites and received training in good farming practices and sustainable certification.

The combined efforts have led to the successful processing of 712 land plots from 517 farmers, comprising 441 men and 76 women. This encompasses 225 parcels from 152 farmers in Sungai Asam Village, 220 parcels from 177 farmers in Pasak Piang Village, 106 parcels from 67 farmers in Mega Timur Village, and 161 parcels from 121 farmers in Teluk Bayur Village.

Independent smallholders are pivotal within the palm oil supply chain and play a crucial role in driving sustainable palm oil practices in Indonesia. The potential of oil palm plantations managed by these smallholders is also recognized by Kubu Raya District. However, challenges remain in bolstering their role and ensuring the full implementation of sustainability standards.

A central challenge faced by independent smallholders is land legality, a requirement for sustainability certification. Acknowledging this, the Indonesian Government is actively working to gather data and map ownership of independent smallholder oil palm plantations through the STDB platform. This initiative not only promotes legality but also lays the groundwork for policy formulation and assistance programs to promote sustainable smallholder oil palm plantations.

"The STDB registration process for our oil palm land has been remarkably straightforward. We simply need our ID cards and land certificates," explained Suwarno, a Teluk Bayur Village resident participating in the STDB registration acceleration. He further highlighted the assistance provided by the JARI team under the USAID SEGAR Activity in conducting field mapping to authenticate his oil palm plantation's location on his land.

Suwarni, a mother and fellow resident of Teluk Bayur Village, who is also an oil palm farmer, expressed her optimism. "With the issuance of STDB, independent oil palm smallholders can hopefully access various support systems to enhance our livelihoods," she said.

The Kubu Raya District Government remains committed to embedding sustainable development principles across all sectors, including plantations. "We are open to collaborations with development partners. In 2023, we aim to register 1,000 independent smallholders for STDB. Our gratitude goes to USAID SEGAR and JARI Indonesia Borneo Barat for contributing over 50% to achieving STDB's success," affirmed Elfizar Edrus, Head of the Kubu Raya Plantation and Livestock Office.

Pemaparan Hasil Peta Wilayah Pekebun Kubu Raya.jpg
USAID SEGAR, in collaboration with JARI Indonesia Borneo Barat, provided assistance to independent smallholders in four villages within Kubu Raya District to obtain STDB. Photo: JARI Indonesia Borneo Barat for USAID SEGAR  

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