
[CLOSED] RFP 041 – WebGIS and Android Application Developer for Sustainable Development and HCV Inventory in Mahakam Ulu district, East Kalimantan

July 25, 2023 15:33 180x
[CLOSED] RFP 041 – WebGIS and Android Application Developer for Sustainable Development and HCV Inventory in Mahakam Ulu district, East Kalimantan


USAID SEGAR is seeking an institution for WebGIS and Android Application Developer for Sustainable Development and HCV Inventory in Mahakam Ulu district, East Kalimantan. The awardee institution is expected to start as soon as possible through September 30, 2023, and engaged through a fixed-price subcontractor agreement.  Application Code: RFP 041.


USAID SEGAR is a five-year (2021 – 2026) Activity designed to advance Indonesia's development objectives in balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic and livelihood development. To accomplish this, targeted subnational jurisdictions with high conservation values and high carbon stocks will be under improved management of natural resources that measurably conserve biodiversity, decrease greenhouse gas emissions from unsustainable land use, and promotes sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

Since 2008, East Kalimantan Provincial Government has made significant efforts related to green growth when it developed its Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) Working Group and began supporting district and project-level initiatives. In 2010, Governor Awang Faroek led the development of the Province’s original Green East Kalimantan strategy and created the Provincial Climate Change Council (Dewan Daerah Perubahan Iklim) to help drive that strategy forward. The effort culminated in a provincial program called Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Carbon Fund that designed to disburse Green Climate Fund in Indonesia and developed ERDP as an implementation plan.

East Kalimantan commitment

According to the ERPD document, East Kalimantan has committed to result in (gross) emission reductions of 86.3 million tCO2e over a five-year period (2020-2024). The East Kalimantan Jurisdictional Emission Reductions Program builds on the substantial commitments of the Government of Indonesia and the Government of the Province of East Kalimantan to reduce emissions from deforestation. Indonesia has been an active participant in REDD+ dialogues and programs since 2007, and has committed to a reduction of 29% of its emissions through its own efforts and up to 41% with international support by 2030, and recognizes that a significant share of this will have to come from REDD+.   Although much is still to be done in terms of implementation, both Indonesia and East Kalimantan have made significant progress toward REDD+ Readiness, and the ER Program is seen as an important milestone in the development of a national REDD+ mechanism. The ER program will be implemented by the Provincial Government with the guidance of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (ERPD, 2018).

The ER Program aims to reduce deforestation and forest degradation in an area that covers the entire 12.7 million hectares that comprise the Province of East Kalimantan. Around half of that area is covered by tropical forests, which are home to a wealth of globally significant biodiversity, and that supports numerous indigenous and other local communities. More than 10% of East Kalimantan’s remaining forest was lost over the past decade, and this was mainly caused by the expansion of oil palm plantations, timber plantations, and mining, as well as by other drivers. Besides the loss of habitat and other key ecosystem services, deforestation and degradation have led to emissions of CO2 averaging 62 million tonnes per year (ERPD, 2018).

Furthermore, one of the milestones is East Kalimantan has commitment to promote high conservation value area (HCVA) protection in areas that allocated for agriculture sector. Moerover, there is 456 k hectares  in total declared by Governor Decree as the indicatives HCVA for East Kalimantan with total 111.000 hectare in Mahakam Ulu district. All these efforts are made to achieve sustainable development in East Kalimantan, as well as Mahulu district. Therefore, all of these works need to be supported with good spatial data information and as minimum as possible not to carry out development in areas that have high conservation value, which through this application can support the Mahulu district government to measure its performance in the context of the FCPF Carbon Fund program.

Mahakam UIu is a district with the largest remaining forest cover in East Kalimantan. Based on the 2022 land cover analysis, total of 1,7 million hectares of forest, with 1,1 still primary forest. Mahakam Hulu also play an important role as upstream of Mahakam Watershed, which covers 2,7 million hectares of area. Protecting forest cover and habitat of rhinos, orangutans, and other species will bring benefit to all of East Kalimantan Province. Therefore, it is important to develop a baseline and tools to monitor Mahulu forest cover and other layers as important strategies to achieve sustainable development targets.

Based on this finding, USAID SEGAR decided to recruit accredited institutions to provide technical assistance for developing WebGIS and Android Applications for sustainable development as well as HCV Inventory in Mahakam Ulu District.

Targeted Deliverables

1. Preliminary Report

Report with detailed activities; 1) Design of WebGIS and Android applications; 2) Spatial data inventory for Mahakam Ulu; 3) Planning of training basic concept (for the government officials).

2. Midterm Report

The report should cover: 1) WebGIS and Android apps framework that using opensource platform; 2) Domain name; 3) Hosting; 4) Android apps framework, this includes all requirement, form template, etc; 5) Draft of training module: (i) Administration of all online system; (ii) User administration; (iii) Contents management; (iv) backup and further domain and hosting management.

3. WebGIS Development

  • Coverage area – Mahakam Ulu district, East Kalimantan.
  • Interface – PC Web based with main display maps, GIS layers.
  • Layers – Spatial plan, land and forest cover, forest zonation, HCV, concessions, administrative boundary, roads, river, topography.
  • Function – The web will provide layers for sustainable development planning with an upload function. Moreover, it can be connected with other WebGIS applications at the provincial level. Analysis function to overlay upload function with the key spatial plan, forest cover, HCV, and other permits.
  • Admin – Mahakam Ulu district government.

4. Android Application

  • Coverage area – Mahakam Ulu district, East Kalimantan.
  • Interface – Mahakam Ulu with main display on indicative HCV and forest cover area.
  • Function – 1) Apps will guide monitoring of important forest and ecosystem conditions, land cover area, this app will help inventory of HCV areas based on available forms; 2) Able to upload pictures; 3) Able to upload GPS points; 4) Able to save data even there is no data signals at that moment.
  • Admin – Mahakam Ulu district government.

5. Final Report

The report should cover: 1) Final WebGIS and Android apps; 2) Trainin process and results; 3) Final FGD and dissemination of WebGIS and Android apps; 4) Technical report that covers all aspects: (i) User administration, (ii) Online Management, (iii) Hosting and domain, including cost required for further hosting and domain and maintenance, (iv) troubleshooting/grievance mechanism, (v) WebGIS Estate Crops Mahakam Ulu district management.

Additional note: some supporting documents are required as evidence – (i) a list of data, (ii) minutes of the meeting, if any.

Deliverables Schedule

  1. Preliminary Report – August 11, 2023
  2. Midterm Report – August 28, 2023
  3. WebGIS Development – September 15, 2023
  4. Android Application – September 15, 2023
  5. Final Report – September 25, 2023

Work Location

  • Develop methods and framework – Jakarta
  • Spatial data development – Jakarta
  • Develop WebGIS both interface, system and function – Jakarta
  • Develop manual for WebGIS users – Jakarta
  • Training on WebGIS Administration – Mahakam Ulu district, East Kalimantan
  • Disseminate web to stakeholders – Mahakam Ulu district, East Kalimantan

Basis of Award

The award will be made to a responsible offeror whose offer follows the RFP instructions, meets the eligibility requirements, and is determined via a trade-off analysis to be the best value based on the application of the following evaluation criteria. The relative importance of each individual criterion is indicated by the number of points below:

  • Technical – 25 points: Responsiveness to the technical specifications and requirements.
  • Delivery – 20 points: The confirmation and ability to meet the targeted deliverables.
  • Key Personnel – 30 points: The proposed key personnel.
  • Price – 25 points: The overall cost presented in the offer.

Proposal Submission

Please submit your Proposal to SEGAR-Recruit@chemonics.com with the subject line “RFP 041 –  Institution Name”. The proposal must consist of the following documents:

  • Company Profile
  • Technical Proposal
  • Financial Proposal
  • CV of each proposed key personnel
  • Company establishment deed
  • Statement Letter of Tax Obligatory (PKP / Non-PKP)
  • Tax ID and its establishment letter (SKT)

The proposal will be reviewed on a rolling basis, which means that the review process will take place continuously as proposals are received. This approach allows for prompt evaluation and potential immediate awarding of the project, ensuring efficient and timely implementation.

Tersedia Dalam Bahasa Indonesia