
[CLOSED] USAID SEGAR – Request for Application (RFA) No.003 – Grant Application

January 17, 2022 20:38 152x
[CLOSED] USAID SEGAR – Request for Application (RFA) No.003 – Grant Application


USAID SEGAR is a five-year (2020 – 2025) Activity designed to advance Indonesia´s development objectives in balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic and livelihoods development. To accomplish this, targeted subnational jurisdictions with high conservation values and high carbon stock will be supported to improve the management of natural resources that measurably conserves biodiversity, decreases greenhouse gas emissions from unsustainable land use, and promotes sustainable and inclusive economic growth. USAID SEGAR works in four provinces and twelve districts. These are: Aceh (Aceh Tamiang, Aceh Utara, Aceh Timur); Central Kalimantan (Seruyan, Kotawaringin Barat); West Kalimantan (Ketapang, Kubu Raya, Sanggau, Sintang); and East Kalimantan (Berau, Kutai Timur, Mahakam Ulu).

RFA 003, USAID SEGAR, implemented by Chemonics International, is seeking grant applications from Indonesian NGOs/CSOs that are registered and formally constituted with strong experience of e community-based forest management, conservation, and sustainable land use-based village planning, as well as linking smallholders to green commodity supply chains. The grantee is expected to undertake work with selected villages in Seruyan and West Kotawaringin.

The Activity will hold an online pre-application meeting on January 4, 2022, from 10:00 to 12:00 WIB. This meeting will provide eligible and interested applicants with the opportunity to ask questions about the RFA and receive guidance on how to complete the application form. Interested applicants that meet the eligibility requirements defined in Section III below and would like to attend this meeting must confirm their attendance by sending both the organization´s and participant’s name(s) to the USAID SEGAR Grants Team at the following e-mail address: idn-segar-grantsrfa@chemonics.com. A maximum of two people may attend the workshop from each organization. When confirming attendance, please note if any of the attendees has any special needs affecting their participation. No reimbursement for costs of attendance will be covered by USAID SEGAR.


USAID SEGAR will engage smallholders and communities to adopt sustainable practices that require addressing complex issues related to community-based conservation, livelihoods, green commodity supply chains, land tenure, and the roles of women and youth. To do so, USAID SEGAR will strengthen the capacity and access to resources for communities and smallholders to facilitate their integration into green supply chains, improve their environmental stewardship and make more efficient use of their existing agricultural land. At the same time, USAID SEGAR will broaden the range of sustainable, income-generating livelihood options available to them. In addition, USAID SEGAR will also provide institutional support to strengthen and consolidate multi-stakeholder for a (MSFs) and to establish formal MSFs where they are non-existent within USAID SEGAR-supported districts. 

USAID SEGAR will award a grant to Indonesian Non-Government Organization (NGO) and Community Society Organization (CSO) to undertake smallholders and community engagement and multi-stakeholder support.

Detailed Program Description

District: Seruyan

Village: Pembuang Hulu 1, Pembuang Hulu 2, Terawan, Lanpasa, Tabiku

  • Implementing sustainable commodity practices by supporting STDB registration and sustainable certification such as ISPO/RSPO. 
  • Strengthening smallholder groups and linking them to green supply chains and sustainable markets. 
  • Strengthening smallholder capacity to access potential incentives for sustainable land management such as the replanting program and revolving funds from BPDPKS and BPDLH. 
  • Implementing community-based monitoring systems for environmental transgressions.  

District: West Kotawaringin

Village: Purbasari, Natai Baru, Kotawaringin Hilir (HKM Masoraian), Kumpai Batu Atas, Pasir Panjang

(please refer to the attachment for detail)


Scope of Work

  1. Strengthening community-based conservation efforts both in the non-state forest (APL) and state forest through social forestry and partnership with Forest Management Units (FMU)/concessions to protect critical/vulnerable HCV/HCS areas and key species habitat. 
  2. Providing technical assistance to small and medium-scale smallholders to apply sustainable commodity practices by expanding smallholder mapping, STDB registration, and commodity certification.
  3. Providing technical assistance and facilitation services to small and medium-scale smallholders to link them to sustainable markets.
  4. Developing and expanding natural resource-based income-generating livelihood options, forest-friendly livelihoods such as, non-timber forest product (NTFP), ecotourism, and environmental services for women, youth, indigenous people, and other marginalized groups. 
  5. Implementing community-based monitoring systems on environmental transgressions.  
  6. Establishing and strengthening multi-stakeholder for a (MSF) in subnational jurisdictions to foster mutually beneficial partnerships between communities, private sector entities, smallholders, NGOs/CSOs, and local governments to underpin improved local environmental governance.


Applications shall be submitted in English and may not be more than 15 pages. Applications (Technical and budget proposals and supporting documentation) should be submitted in electronic to the USAID SEGAR Grants official email at IDN-SEGAR-GrantsRFA@chemonics.com and should reference RFA No. 003. Applications must be submitted no later than 12:00 pm WIB, on January 23, 2022Late applications, or those that do not respond to the RFA, will not be considered.


Attachment: RFA-003_Final_27122021.docx

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