
The Seruyan Agriculture and Food Security Agency Hands Over STDB to Independent Palm Oil Farmers in Two Districts

May 19, 2023 10:04 106x
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Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Pertanian Seruyan Menyerahkan STDB kepada Petani Sawit Swadaya di Dua Kecamatan

Handover of 40 STDBs to Independent Oil Palm Smallholders in Seruyan Raya and Hanau Districts, Friday, May 19, 2023. Photo: Seruyan Polytechnic

Seruyan - The Seruyan Agriculture and Food Security Agency handed over 40 Cultivation Registration Certificates (STDB) to independent oil palm smallholders in two sub-districts in Seruyan District, namely Seruyan Raya and Hanau Subdistricts. The handover event took place in the subdistrict office hall and was attended by the Head of the Agriculture and Food Security Agency (DKPP), representatives from the Local Planning Development Agency (Bappeda), the Head of Subdistrict (Camat), the Head of Village, and members of subdistrict forum (Muspika).

The distribution of STDB to independent oil palm smallholders is part of the USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) project assistance through the Seruyan Polytechnic to promote sustainable palm oil governance in Seruyan District. The series of mentoring activities, starting from early 2022, includes outreach, training, data collection, and STDB registration facilitation for DKPP Seruyan.

In his remarks, the Head of DKPP Seruyan, Albidinnor, stated, "STDB is a document to register smallholders with an area of less than 25 hectares as recognized by the government, as stated in Minister of Agriculture Regulation No. 98 of 2013, to govern plantation businesses for independent smallholders." He continued, "STDB is crucially needed by local governments as a basis for establishing various policies for smallholders."

Albidinnor explained that farmers who have obtained STDB can enjoy several benefits, including educational scholarships for their children, access to People's Business Credit (KUR), support for facilities and infrastructure, grants for oil palm rejuvenation, and access to sales through groups to private company factories.

"In addition to the many benefits that farmers will receive, STDB is also the basis for farmers to obtain ISPO certification, which is mandatory and must be fulfilled by 2025. It is hoped that independent smallholders will make the most of the benefits obtained through this STDB and are advised not to open new plantations in unsuitable areas," added Albidinnor.

USAID SEGAR Site Manager for Central Kalimantan gave a speech during the handing over of STDB plantations for independent smallholders in Seruyan Raya District. Photo: USAID SEGARUSAID SEGAR Site Manager for Central Kalimantan gave a speech during the handing over of STDB plantations for independent smallholders in Seruyan Raya Subdistrict. Photo: USAID SEGAR

USAID SEGAR also explained that the collaboration with Seruyan Polytechnic to provide assistance to independent oil palm smallholders is part of USAID SEGAR's broader goal of establishing sustainable palm oil governance in Seruyan. Helping independent oil palm smallholders obtain STDB is one of the project's contributions to the Seruyan District Government. This initiative is also aimed at supporting the National Action Plan for Sustainable Palm Oil, which was announced by the President through Presidential Instruction No. 6 of 2019.

Seruyan Polytechnic highly values the ongoing collaboration with the Seruyan District Government and USAID SEGAR, as the program related to plantation management aligns with the Polytechnic's vision and mission. "We hope that the collaboration we've had so far will be the first step for the Polytechnic to expand its role as an academic community to support human resource development in the region," concluded Hermansyah, Director of Seruyan Polytechnic.

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