
Two Companies in West Kalimantan, CU Keling Kumang and PT HKD, Forge Partnership with USAID SEGAR for Environmental and Social Sustainability

March 27, 2024 15:10 616x
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Dua Perusahaan di Kalimantan Barat, CU Keling Kumang dan PT HKD Jalin Kemitraan dengan USAID SEGAR untuk Keberlanjutan Lingkungan dan Sosial

Chief of Party of USAID SEGAR, Peter Doyle, and Chief of the Board of Directors of CU Keling Kumang, Stefanus Masiun, sign a memorandum of understanding for the development of sustainable palm oil, accompanied by representatives from Bappeda, the Provincial Secretary, and USAID Indonesia. Photo: USAID SEGAR

Pontianak - In implementing the goals of environmental and social sustainability in the supply chain of land-based natural resource commodities, USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) collaborates with the private sector to protect biodiversity and mitigate environmental impacts from land use activities. One step taken is jointly promoting the adoption of environmental and social standards and requirements, both mandatory and voluntary.

In West Kalimantan, USAID SEGAR cooperates with two private sector entities to develop sustainable supply chains and ecosystem restoration. In Sanggau District, USAID SEGAR, together with Credit Union Keling Kumang (CU KK), join together in developing green supply chains and establishing sustainable palm oil mills based on cooperatives. This collaboration also involves facilitation support from USAID SEGAR to CU KK to access technical support and funding from various institutions to achieve these goals.

Meanwhile, in Ketapang District, USAID SEGAR and PT Hutan Kencana Damai (HKD) work together to plan and prepare for ecosystem restoration processes by integrating compliance with sustainable principles into the business plans within PT HKD's concession area. In this partnership, USAID SEGAR provides technical support in planning and preparing forest restoration and protection programs, community empowerment, and biodiversity conservation.

To mark the agreement of this collaboration, USAID SEGAR and the two business entities, CU KK and PT HKD, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Wednesday (20/03) in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The signing of this agreement is expected to contribute to the targets and commitments of the West Kalimantan Provincial Government in implementing inclusive green economy principles as outlined in the Regional Development Plan (RPD) of West Kalimantan Province for the period 2024-2026.

The signing of the MoU with CU KK and PT HKD was witnessed by Assistant I for Government Affairs and People's Welfare of the West Kalimantan Provincial Secretariat, Dra. Hj. Linda Purnama, M.Si, representing the Acting Secretary of West Kalimantan Province along with all guests and invitees from the West Kalimantan Provincial Government. This includes the Head of Bappeda of West Kalimantan Province, the Provincial Office of Environment and Forestry, Office of Plantation and Livestock, Office Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises of West Kalimantan Province, the Head of the Physical Planning and Infrastructure Planning and Resources of Provincial Bappeda, the Head of Economic Planning of Provincial Bappeda, and several functional planning staff.


Assistant I for Government Affairs and People's Welfare of the Provincial Secretariat of West Kalimantan, Dra. Hj. Linda Purnama, M.Si, appreciates the collaboration between USAID SEGAR and both partners, which aligns with the Provincial Development Plan (RPD). Photo: USAID SEGAR


In her keynote speech, Assistant I of the Provincial Secretariat, Dra. Hj. Linda Purnama, M.Si, expressed that the West Kalimantan Provincial Government appreciates the collaborative initiative between USAID SEGAR, CU KK, and PT HKD, which aligns with the Regional Development Plan (RPD) of West Kalimantan Province for 2024-2026, with the theme on "Enhancing Community Productivity and Sustainable Competitiveness." 

"More specifically, there are two regional priorities outlined in the RPD 2024-2026. Firstly, enhancing the quality of life of competitive human resources; and secondly, improving resilience to disasters through strengthening environmental quality," she said.

Also present at the event was the Head of Bappeda of West Kalimantan Province, Dra. Mahmudah, MM, who expressed gratitude for the initiatives of USAID SEGAR over the past three years, which have significantly contributed to the West Kalimantan Provincial Government. Her hope is that in 2024, USAID SEGAR can support Bappeda in formulating the Technocratic Medium-Term Regional Development Plan (RPJMD).

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