North Aceh- USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) conducted a training activity on stingless bee (kelulut) honey cultivation which was held on 11-13 August 2023 in Pulo Meria Village, Geureudong Pase Subdistrict, North Aceh District. This community empowerment program was attended by 40 participants from women and youth with the aim of providing knowledge about the cultivation of stingless bee honey or linothoney. USAID SEGAR is collaborating with Madu Linot A Bee Honey in this training.
Pulo Meria Village has very good potential for stingless bee honey cultivation because it is supported by the geographical conditions of the village which is in a plantation and forest area so that adequate vegetation and bee food are available. The village head (Geuchik) of Pulo Meria, Hasraruddin, and village officials fully support this initiative and hope that the community can practice stingless bee beekeeping. At least, people can consume stingless bee honey for their health needs. "We will make this activity one of BUMG's businesses (Gampong Owned Enterprises, ed.) and we will support the development of this business," said the Geuchik.
The speakers who attended, namely Abi Muhammad, ST., M.Eng and Ridho Hafiz, are lecturers and students at Malikussaleh University who have been cultivating stingless bee honey. They explained in detail about stingless bees, their morphology, types, cultivation methods, harvesting techniques, and how to multiply colonies. During the several days of training, participants were not only given theoretical knowledge, but were also invited to practice directly at the cultivation site with the bee colonies that had been provided.
The community seemed enthusiastic in participating in this training. The curiosity of the people of Pulo Meria Village, who were not familiar with stingless bees, was answered by the training conducted. Participants directly saw the cultivation process and harvested honey using suction equipment on site. It turns out that so far the stingless bees colony in Pulo Meria Village has been sold outside the village because residents don't know about its benefits. "Today we already know what stingless bees are and how we cultivate them. It turned out to be very easy and hassle-free,” said M. Rian Mirza, a youth from Pulo Meria Village.
“Raising stingless bees is very easy and comfortable, ladies and gentlemen. If you want, you can do it because we prepare the colony until it's finished, prepare a place for cultivation, and protect the colony from pests. God willing, there will be a harvest," said Abi Muhammad as the trainer. "I'm sure because of the condition of this village is very potential. For sales later, we will help promote it and if possible, we will do a creative economy business so that people know that stingless bee honey is available on Pulo Meria," he added.
USAID SEGAR in this training also donated two colonies to Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) as pilot materials for participants to be placed in the Pulo Meria Village office area. Furthermore, for the continuation of this program, participants are expected to be able to find colony sources for further cultivation development.
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