Coffee farmers in Nisam Antara, North Aceh District, embarked on a transformative journey as they participated in a field school focused on Good Agriculture Practice and sustainable coffee certification from March 15-16, 2023. The field school, which was held as a part of a collaboration between PT Indo Cafco and the United States International Development Agency (USAID) Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) project, aimed to empower coffee farmers with knowledge and techniques to cultivate sustainable coffee. A group of thirty farmers from the Mulo Jadi Coffee Farmers Group enthusiastically engaged in this enriching two-day event.
Junaedi, an experienced coffee farmer from Nisam Antara, expressed his anticipation, saying, "We've been farming since childhood, but nothing quite like this has come our way before. We hope this training will elevate our productivity to new heights." Farmers learned theoretical concepts during field school on the first day and put them into practice on the second day. Junaedi highlighted the importance of practical sessions, which helped the farmers better understand and apply the concepts taught in the classroom to improve their coffee plant growth and yield.
Rahmat Alfajri, the Aceh region Program Coordinator at PT Indo Cafco, emphasized the effectiveness of field schools as a profound learning methodology. "In adult education, there is a saying that resonates with us: 'You hear, you forget,' 'You see, you remember,' 'You do you understand.' Field schools emphasize the critical aspect of 'doing,' enabling farmers to grasp the newfound knowledge they receive truly," explained Rahmat.
Wagianto, the Manager of Sustainable Management Services at PT Indo Cafco, added, "The concept of field schools is ideal for coffee farmers who face challenges in growing Arabica coffee. By providing a thorough understanding of coffee cultivation and sustainable farming practices, the farmers' economy can improve, and in addition, with this knowledge, the farmers will be more ready for future regeneration."
Additionally, coffee farmers in Nisam Antara also received insight on sustainable coffee certification. Generally, certified sustainable coffee products refer to environmentally friendly processing and supply chains, minimizing negative environmental impacts while improving coffee farmers' standard of living.
Halidi, S.Sos., M.M., an Expert Staff member representing the North Aceh District government, passionately stated, "Coffee farmers need to have a good understanding of the entire farming process, from managing the land to selling the final product. This includes activities such as land maintenance and overall farming management." Halidi stressed the importance of adding value to coffee farmers, including knowledge of sustainable coffee certification, which grants them access to broader markets. In his closing remarks, Halidi urged the participants to seize every opportunity presented by USAID SEGAR and PT Indo Cafco during the field school program.
Overall, this event marked the commencement of a series of monthly coffee field schools, scheduled to continue until January 2024, covering topics crucial to the development of sustainable coffee production. Previously, in August 2022, PT Indo Cafco and USAID SEGAR signed a memorandum of understanding, cementing their shared goal of fostering a greener coffee supply chain in North Aceh.
Cultivating coffee properly and environmentally friendly will enhance product quality, increase productivity, and ensure the preservation of the environment. Dr. Nur Hygiawati Rahayu, ST, MSc, the Director of Forestry and Water Resources Conservation at the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN/Bappenas), also conveyed her message to the field school participants. "The assistance and guidance provided by PT Indo Cafco and USAID SEGAR are expected to empower coffee farmers in the Nisam Antara District to develop coffee commodities sustainably. This will increase farmers' income and positively impact farmers' well-being and the environment," she concluded.
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