
Vacancy - STTA - Consultant to support the development of West Kalimantan Biodiversity Management Master Plan (RIPDA KEHATI) – West Kalimantan

January 25, 2024 16:23 393x
Vacancy - STTA - Consultant to support the development of West Kalimantan Biodiversity Management Master Plan (RIPDA KEHATI) – West Kalimantan


USAID SEGAR is seeking a Short-Term Technical Assistance (STTA) to support the development of Biodiversity Management Master Plan (RIPDA KEHATI) for West Kalimantan.

Vacancy - STTA - Consultant to support the development of West Kalimantan Biodiversity Management Master Plan (RIPDA KEHATI) – West Kalimantan

  • Job code: STRIP
  • Type: Consultant
  • Coordination line: USAID SEGAR Site Manager and Environmental Governance Site Specialist
  • Reporting line: Conservation Biodiversity Lead
  • Expected DoH: March 1, 2024 – August 9, 2024
  • Level of Effort: 40 days

USAID SEGAR is a five-year (2021–2026) project designed to advance Indonesia's development objectives by balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with inclusive economic and livelihoods development. To accomplish this, the targeted subnational jurisdictions with high conservation values and high carbon stocks will be under improved management of natural resources that measurably conserves biodiversity, decreases greenhouse gas emissions from unsustainable land use, and promotes sustainable and inclusive economic growth. USAID SEGAR’s biodiversity conservation and emissions reduction (BCER) strategy is grounded in enabling key stakeholders in subnational jurisdictions to better understand and protect terrestrial landscapes with important HCV/HCS areas.

USAID SEGAR and West Kalimantan Province have agreed to cooperate in various activities related to environmental governance issues, including the development of biodiversity profile for the province. West Kalimantan, which consists of 12 regencies and two cities and covers an area of 14.6 million hectares, is the second-largest province in Indonesia. This province has extensive tropical forests, that lay mostly in the area known as “the Heart of Borneo”. West Kalimantan has a long coastline of more than 1,000 km length that lies in seven coastal regencies or cities stretching from north to south. This coastal area has a mangrove ecosystem covering an area of 161,557.19 ha.

In terms of economy, West Kalimantan is one of the largest palm oil-producing regions in Indonesia and is the largest economic contributor. Until end of 2022, the area of land planted with oil palm had exceeded 1.9 million hectares, distributed in 13 regencies or cities. West Kalimantan is also one of the largest bauxite and alumina producers in Indonesia. After the 'timber era' in the late 90s, these commodities triggered massive land cover change, threatening the existence and sustainability of West Kalimantan's biodiversity.

After the simultaneous elections in 2024, the West Kalimantan Provincial Government will compile the West Kalimantan Provincial RPJMD for 2025–2029. Therefore, an overview in the form of data and information on the condition of biodiversity in West Kalimantan is needed to be integrated with the Regional Development Planning Document (RPJMD).

In 2023, USAID SEGAR has supported West Kalimantan Province to finalize Biodiversity Profile of West Kalimantan. The document described the biodiversity based on existing ecoregion and ecosystem type with their unique species richness of plants, fungi, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects. Data was compiled based on scientific papers data from contributors who spent years in primary data collections. The biodiversity profile will be used to develop Biodiversity Master Plan (RIPDA KEHATI) of West Kalimantan. In 2024, the Activity will provide STTA to assist West Kalimantan provincial government in developing the RIPDA KEHATI. We expect this document could be used as a guide or direction to determine better environmental governance in the future.

This activity related to Outcome A: Subnational jurisdictions exhibit commitment and capacity to transparently plan, finance, and implement measurable inclusive development goals that prioritize biodiversity conservation and sustainable land management that reduce greenhouse and land use change, balanced with sustainable and inclusive economic growth; and Environmental governance bodies and natural resource managers equitably enforce natural resource laws, policies, and regulations across the range of actors and stakeholders that influence biodiversity conservation and greenhouse gas emissions from land use.


The objective of this assignment is to develop provincial Biodiversity Management Master Plan (RIPDA KEHATI), in which having the final document will benefit West Kalimantan for their guidance to determining better environmental governance.


  • Maps of the distribution of biodiversity in West Kalimantan are developed and open for public access.
  • A priority scale for biodiversity management in West Kalimantan developed.


  • Analyze and synthesize biodiversity data and maps, and threat and risk to biodiversity as a baseline to develop first draft of West Kalimantan Biodiversity Management Master Plan (RIPDA KEHATI) as presented in Biodiversity Profile of West Kalimantan (LOE 15 working days).
  • Formulate the first draft of RIPDA KEHATI document (LOE 15 working days).
  • Public Consultation to present the first draft of RIPDA KEHATI document (LOE 2 working days).
  • Finalize the RIPDA KEHATI document (LOE 8 working days).


  • Data and maps of biodiversity including its threat and risk is analyzed and synthesized.
  • First draft of RIPDA KEHATI document.
  • The final report of RIPDA KEHATI document.


  • Minimum B.Sc. degree in a field relevant to biodiversity and natural resources management.
  • Minimum 10 years of experience working on biodiversity and sustainable natural resources management.
  • Have experience in managing biodiversity conservation programs.
  • Have experience working with government institutions, NGOs and Academia, and extensive network.
  • Minimum of 5 years’ experience in developing documents related biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resources management.


Please submit your application to SEGAR-Recruit@chemonics.com with the subject line “STRIP_Your Name”. The application will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and early recruitment may occur until the position is filled.

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