USAID SEGAR is seeking a short-term technical assistant/Consultantto preparing Road Map on Sustainable Cocoa Agroforestry Document and Develop financial incentive model in Mahakam Ulu - Business Plan for cocoa-agroforestry Mahakam Ulu.
USAID SEGAR is a five-year (2021 – 2026) project funded by USAID, designed to advancing Indonesia's development goals in balancing biodiversity conservation and sustainable land use with sustainable economic development and livelihoods inclusive. To achieve this, districts with high conservation values and high carbon stocks are becoming an area of USAID SEGAR support, it is hoped that resource management will improve nature and be more measurable in conserving biodiversity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions glass from unsustainable land use, as well as promote economic growth sustainable and inclusive.
Mahakam Ulu district is one of the priority jurisdictions supported by USAID SEGAR. This district has 706,711 hectares of protected forest, an estimated 1,677,944 hectares of High Conservation Value (HCV) area and approximately 1,644,421 hectares of High Carbon Stock (HCS) area. Mahakam Ulu District economy was dominated by agriculture and forestry, which provided the largest share (74 percent or IDR 1.343 trillion) of the district’s 2019 GDP1, with major agricultural commodities produced in Mahakam Ulu include rice, rubber, coconut, pepper, cocoa, coffee, and candlenut. Cocoa provided the largest share in terms of area and volume.
The total area of cocoa plantations in Mahakam Ulu district is approximately 1,499 hectares (2019 data), with a total production of 282 tons, productivity of 440 kg/ha and involving around 224 small farmers. The increase in Cocoa prices in the global market has an impact on increasing the area of cocoa. Between 2015-2019, Mahakam Ulu's cocoa plantation area increased by 75%, from 854 ha to 1,499 ha, but productivity fell by 21.5%. The actors in the cocoa supply chain are mostly farmers and aggregators, which are concentrated in three sub-districts, namely Long Apari, Long Pahangai, and Laham sub-districts. None of the cocoa plantations in Mahakam Ulu are managed by private companies. Sustainable cocoa development in Mahakam Ulu is still faced with various challenges along the supply chain due to its geographical isolation, high transportation costs to buyers, lack of understanding of sustainability principles/standards along the cocoa supply chain, and market access to sustainable buyers.
Chemonics International, as implementing partner of the USAID SEGAR project, works with private sector stakeholders to strengthen certified and sustainable agriculture practices. USAID SEGAR collaborate with Pipiltin Cocoa, an artisanal chocolate company from Indonesia, on sustainable cocoa development in Mahakam Ulu through preparing a feasibility study, strengthening the capacity of farmers in implementing sustainable cultivation practices and piloting a business model that integrates main actors in the cocoa value chain in Mahakam Ulu with the sustainable cocoa market.
To support the above collaboration, a consultant will be assigned to prepare a financial incentive model for cocoa-agroforestry which will become a reference for parties in Mahakam Ulu district to support the Road Map on Sustainable Cocoa at Mahakam Ulu District. Preparing this business models will contribute to Objective B of USAID SEGAR which is increased implementation of environmental and social sustainability goals within private sector natural resource commodity production supply chains and several related indicators such as the number of people with improved economics and receiving livelihood co-benefits (Indicator 6 and 10), actual and imputed value of sales for goods and services associated with the implementation of USG sustainable landscape activities (Indicator 11).
To develop the Road Map on Sustainable Cocoa Agroforestry Document at Mahakam Ulu which is consistent with a financial incentive model and Business Plan for cocoa agroforestry farmers in Laham and other villages in Mahakam Ulu District to implement a sustainable agroforestry approach.
Road Map on Sustainable Cocoa Agroforestry Document for Mahakam Ulu which is consist the Financial incentive model and Business Plan for cocoa-agroforestry document for Mahakam Ulu
Please submit your application to SEGAR-Recruit@chemonics.com with the subject line “STSCA_YourName”. The application will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and early recruitment may occur until the position is filled.
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