
West Kotawaringin Government Launches SP4N-LAPOR Action Plan to Strengthening Public Services Quality

March 20, 2023 11:05 101x
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Perkuat Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik, Pemkab Kobar Luncurkan Rencana Aksi SP4N-LAPOR!

Acting Regional Secretary Juni Gultom signed the SP4N-LAPOR! West Kotawaringin District. Photo: Prokom Regional Secretariat of West Kotawaringin

In a resolute stride towards elevating the caliber of public services, the West Kotawaringin (Kobar) Government has heralded the inauguration of the National Government Monitoring and Reporting System (SP4N-LAPOR!). The ceremonial launch of the Action Plan for West Kotawaringin District for 2023-2026 unfolded on Monday (20/3/2023) at the Kobar Regent's Hall. This seminal event, coupled with the dissemination of the SP4N-LAPOR Action Plan!, strives to galvanize community involvement in the vigilant oversight of public services.

Dr. Juni Gultom, ST., MTP, the Acting Regional Secretary of Kobar, fervently conveyed to an assemblage comprising representatives from regional apparatus organizations and the public that this action plan epitomizes West Kotawaringin District Government's tangible stride towards fostering transparent, accountable, and community-responsive governance.

"SP4N-LAPOR! empowers Kobar's populace to swiftly and seamlessly report grievances or suggestions pertaining to public services via a user-friendly online platform. This streamlined avenue not only envisages expedited response to grievances but also envisages harnessing the wealth of data generated for informed decision-making, regional planning, and judicious allocation of West Kotawaringin government's budget," Juni Gultom expounded.

The triumphant inauguration of the SP4N-LAPOR Action Plan! is an outcome steeped in an iterative sequence of workshops, introspections, and dialogues spanning since late 2022, buoyed by the unwavering support of the USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR). This comprehensive endeavor effectively amalgamates a diverse array of insights stemming from the Complaint Management Coordination team, SP4N-LAPOR! administrators, as well as representatives from non-governmental entities and government stakeholders.

The vanguard of this launch event's cascade of activities resonates with the goal of ensuring that Kobar's public service agents and governmental functionaries are adeptly equipped to harness SP4N-LAPOR! as a pivotal conduit for processing and responding to public grievances and suggestions.

In lockstep with this trajectory, USAID SEGAR wholeheartedly champions the utilization of SP4N-LAPOR! to amplify the efficacy of public services, with a specific focus on those entwined with the stewardship of the environment and natural resources. An illustrative instance lies in the capacity for the public to promptly report instances of land fires and environmental pollution via the SP4N-LAPOR! platform.

In a broader context, the public finds a unified gateway to articulate their grievances and aspirations, encapsulated within the diverse communication channels offered by SP4N-LAPOR!, comprising the official website, SMS via 1708, Twitter handle @lapor1708, and dedicated Android and iOS applications. Each instance of grievance or aspiration is held in strict confidence, subsequently integrating with pertinent public service providers both regionally and nationally. This synergetic amalgamation anticipates expedited resolution of the public service challenges at the heart of each complaint. On a national scale, the stewardship of SP4N-LAPOR! rests in the capable hands of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Kementerian PANRB), the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), and the Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia.

The discourse transcended the ceremonial spectrum during the public dialogue session, with Rody Iskandar, Head of the West Kotawaringin District Communication, Informatics, Statistics, and Encryption Office, accentuating that the inception of the SP4N-LAPOR! action plan delineates an auspicious juncture for local governments and communities to synergize efforts in upholding the tenets of superior public service quality.

Ushering the discourse to its crescendo, Rody Iskandar exhorted, "We earnestly implore all governmental constituents within Kobar to rally behind and embolden the community's active role in vigilantly supervising public services. SP4N-LAPOR! stands poised to emerge as the lodestar for both complaints and constructive suggestions alike." This proclamation resonates as a clarion call, echoing the collective commitment to foster a culture of sustained excellence in public service realms.

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