The atmosphere during training on Sustainability Reports and Sustainable Investment Outlook in East Kutai District. Photo: USAID SEGAR
The East Kutai District Government reaffirms its commitment to implementing Sustainable Jurisdiction Indicators (IYB) as a crucial component of its strategy to achieve sustainable development goals and reinforce environmental governance, particularly in the plantation sector. IYB, introduced by the Indonesian Ministry of Bappenas in the 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), employs a landscape approach utilizing administrative boundaries (jurisdictions), primarily at the regional level, to evaluate stakeholder performance. Comprising 23 indicators, IYB aligns with national regulations and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
To meet the IYB targets, the East Kutai District Government, in collaboration with East Kutai Bappeda, conducted a two-day training session on preparing sustainability reports and sustainable investment outlook for East Kutai District. The training took place from Tuesday (20/2/2024) to Wednesday (21/2/2024) at the Pelangi Room, Hotel Royal Victoria. The event commenced with an opening address by Poniso Suryo Renggono, Assistant for Government and People's Welfare of the Regional Secretariat of East Kutai District. He was joined by Ripto Widargo, Head of the Economic and Natural Resources Division of East Kutai Bappeda, Josi Katharina, Environmental Governance Lead of USAID SEGAR, and several other distinguished participants.
Poniso emphasized the significance of a jurisdiction-based approach in encouraging the active involvement of stakeholders, including businesses, to channel their investments toward sustainable activities within their administrative jurisdictions. Recognizing the imperative to enhance the green investment climate, the East Kutai District Government aims to develop the capacity for voluntary reporting of sustainability commitments and progress through Sustainability Reports. The training, facilitated by USAID SEGAR, introduced participants to the IYB platform for this purpose.
Additionally, the East Kutai District Government acknowledges the importance of identifying sustainable business activities to promote and attract investments. Priority is given to activities that have the potential to contribute to conservation efforts and promote sustainable land management. Poniso further expressed his hope that the Investment Outlook will serve as a valuable resource for potential investors, providing insight into the green investment opportunities available in East Kutai. Financial institutions can also utilize this information to ensure that prospective business activities in East Kutai District adhere to sustainable development principles.
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