
Enhancing Land Plot Mapping for Sustainable Supply Chains, Training in East Aceh District

June 20, 2023 11:10 147x
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Pelatihan Pemetaan Persil Lahan Petani Swadaya Menuju STDB dan Rantai Pasok Berkelanjutan di Kabupaten Aceh Timur

Engaging in simulation activities utilizing drones and GPS equipment in the field, alongside participants of the parcel mapping training, as part of efforts to accelerate STDB implementation in East Aceh. Photo credit: USAID SEGAR

The East Aceh District Government's unwavering commitment to expediting the registration of Cultivation Registration Certificates (STDB) for independent smallholders has galvanized significant action. In alignment with this endeavor, the USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) program orchestrated a comprehensive training initiative, focusing on harnessing drone technology and global positioning system (GPS) applications to intricately map farmers' fields. This capacity-building endeavor harmoniously engaged an array of participants, encompassing representatives from East Aceh District government agencies, village authorities, community facilitators, and the local institution Geutanyo.

Land mapping emerges as a pivotal stage within the realms of sustainable agriculture and plantations. The resultant mapping data expeditiously furnishes precise insights into the dimensions, geographical coordinates, and ownership status of smallholders' plots. The utilization of polygon mapping, an intricately interwoven tapestry of points interconnected by angular and spatial measurements, adeptly encapsulates the diverse expanse and precise location of individual land parcels.

This meticulously acquired mapping data serves as the bedrock for the ensuing STDB issuance process—a governmental prerequisite indispensable for accurately cataloging and registering smallholders' cultivated land areas. The STDB acquires heightened significance by its pivotal role as a foundational framework for shaping diverse policies governing smallholders' plantation endeavors. In doing so, it is poised to pave the way for an expanded realm of support, economic prospects, and incentives firmly entrenched within the domain of sustainable supply chains.

Mukhlis Sai Putra, a prominent resource person spearheading the training, articulates, "The bedrock of a sustainable supply chain hinges upon the unfettered access to and integrity of data. This fundamental principle underscores the collective preparedness of all stakeholders operating within the region." Mukhlis aptly underscores the ascendant trajectory of GPS and drone technologies in the realm of surveying. He emphasizes their proclivity for widespread adoption, owing to their efficacy and efficiency vis-à-vis conventional methodologies. "With this USAID-orchestrated training, we aspire to equip both governmental entities and the broader populace with proficient skills and a robust comprehension of the nuanced intricacies of GPS and drone mapping technology. This encompasses a comprehensive grasp of the operative contours of existing regulations, thereby augmenting their ability to meaningfully contribute to regional work processes," he explicates.

Foto 05_Pelatihan Pemetaan Aceh Timur (3).jpgExpert facilitators at the independent smallholder land plot mapping training provided guidance to participants on effectively utilizing drones and GPS technology. Photo credit: USAID SEGAR 

In an intensive four-day training endeavor spanning from June 6 to June 9, 2023, a cohort of 26 individuals enthusiastically participated in the parcel mapping training program. Beyond theoretical discourse, participants were actively immersed in the hands-on application of drones and GPS technology within a simulated field environment. The proficiency and insights gained through this immersive experience hold the potential to adeptly amass comprehensive data concerning independent smallholders' land parcels in East Aceh. This reservoir of invaluable data simultaneously serves as the scaffolding for strategic planning initiatives, fostering seamless integration of independent smallholders within an expansive supply chain network.

Samidah, a community representative hailing from Peunaron District, East Aceh, and an active community facilitator of the Geutanyo Foundation, lauded the training's instrumental impact, remarking, "Our village's requirements for mapping communal areas and land are substantial. Proficiency in drone-aided mapping and hands-on drone operation prove exceptionally valuable." Meanwhile, Hanan, a government staff member stationed at Bukit Tiga Village, Peunaron Sub-District, expressed his desire for extended training duration, as his newfound knowledge and expertise resonate profoundly within the village administration. "Competence in utilizing GPS and drones is pivotal in expediting the mapping of communal lands and gardens. This augmented proficiency vastly simplifies the procedural requisites for issuing sporadic letters, land certificates, and other documents pertaining to land ownership," Hanan emphasized, reaffirming the tangible and consequential outcomes of this training endeavor.

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