
Strengthening Cocoa Business, USAID SEGAR Facilitates Meeting Between Mahakam Ulu District Government, Bappenas, Pipiltin Cocoa, and Exporters

October 31, 2023 15:28 299x
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Perkuat Bisnis Kakao, USAID SEGAR Fasilitasi Pertemuan Pemkab Mahakam Ulu dengan Bappenas, Pipiltin Cocoa, dan Pelaku Ekspor

The delegation from the Mahulu District Government, led by Deputy Bupati Yohanes Avun, M.Si., met with the Director of KKSDA at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas. Photo: USAID SEGAR.

Jakarta – Mahakam Ulu (Mahulu) District is one of the districts supported by USAID through the Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) Activity. One of the key areas of the collaboration between USAID SEGAR and Mahulu District Government is to support sustainable cocoa production and distribution. This cooperative work aligns with the aspirations of the Mahulu District Government to optimize cocoa as an export commodity. 

In August 2023, Mahulu District Government undertook a series of activities in Jakarta as part of their efforts in developing strategies to expand the cocoa market in Mahulu. In this visit, the Mahulu District Government delegations were led by Deputy Bupati Dr.s Yohanes Avun M.SI., followed by the District Secretary Dr. Stephanus Madang S, Sos., M.M., Head of Food Security and Agriculture Office (DKPP) Saripoudin, S.E., representatives from other technical government departments and cocoa farmers from the Kampung Laham Village Farmer Groups.   

One of the agendas included in this visit is a meeting with the Director of Forest Conservation and Water Resources (KKSDA)from the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Dr. Nur Hygiawati Rahayu, S.T., M.Sc. During this meeting, the Deputy Bupati of Mahulu, Yohanes Avun, uttered their goals to advance the cocoa industry in Mahulu, focusing on both production quantity and quality, as well as the marketing efforts to promote the industry. 

“We are not only striving to increase cocoa production, but also the quality. We aim to improve cocoa market prices in Mahulu,” said Deputy Bupati Yohanes Avun. It was also revealed during the discussion that the cocoa farmers in Kampung Laham are thriving to preserve the authenticity of Mahulu cocoa seed. They believe that Mahulu cocoa seeds are resilient against pests and diseases. 

“The management of this cocoa industry is one form of agroforestry that we need for the community’s livelihood in Mahakam Ulu. We need to think about how we can utilize Mahulu Cocoa as a flagship product,” said Nur. “Hopefully, through USAID SEGAR, we can encourage the development of sustainable cocoa commodities,” she added. Nur also emphasized the importance of the community’s commitment to continue this initiative, regardless of the presence of development partners who will cooperate with them in the future. 

Supported by USAID SEGAR, Mahulu District Government delegations also met with the representatives of USAID Indonesia to discuss and realign cocoa production improvement programs. One of the points discussed was the need for a roadmap to strengthen cocoa production in Mahulu, along with the marketing efforts. 


Deputy Bupati Yohanes Avun and his delegations met with representatives from USAID Indonesia and USAID SEGAR in Jakarta to discuss cocoa commodity enhancement strategies. Photo: USAID SEGAR

On a different day, Mahulu District Government delegations also visited the chocolate factory owned by Pipiltin Cocoa, a company partnering with USAID SEGAR to develop a sustainable cocoa supply chain in Mahulu District. During their visit, Deputy Bupati of Mahulu and his team not only had discussions with Pipiltin Cocoa as a private company and industry partner, but also observed the cocoa bean processing methods until it became chocolate products to distribute. 

During this occasion, Irwan Helmi and Tissa Aunilla, the Co-Founders of Pipiltin Cocoa, shared their experiences in collaborating with other local government entities to develop the cocoa commodity and chocolate businesses. Pipiltin Cocoa believes that the commitment and support of local governments play a significant role and contribution to the sustainable cocoa commodity development in the region. 

To conclude their visit to Jakarta, Mahulu District Government delegations and cocoa farmer representatives were also facilitated by USAID SEGAR to meet with exporters to present the cocoa plantation conditions in Mahulu. Some of the companies present included PT Olam Indonesia, PT Tunas Wijaya Sakti, PT Parara Kehati, and PT Profil Mitra Abadi. In this meeting, Deputy Bupati Yohanes Avun, also conveyed to the exporters that cocoa produced by farmers in Mahulu would be managed by the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMK), designed as a handler of agricultural products and marketing. This meeting is expected to be the starting point for cocoa bean and processed cocoa export efforts in Mahulu.

“We genuinely hope to improve the economic well-being of the people in Mahulu and firm cocoa as a common commodity in the community, even though at this moment, we are only selling the beans. However, in the future, we will strive for processed cocoa products," said Yohanes Avun.

       Artikel 5_Kunjungan Pemkab Mahulu ke Jakarta (3)-min.JPG  Artikel 5_Kunjungan Pemkab Mahulu ke Jakarta (4)-min.JPG 

The Mahulu District Government's visit to achocolate factory owned by Pipiltin Cocoa (Left) and the meeting between Mahulu District Government and cocoa farmers representatives with exporters to discuss cocoa business development opportunities in Mahulu (Right). Photos: USAID SEGAR


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