
Striving to Improve Environmental Performance, Seruyan District Government Socializes Guidelines for Using DBHDR to Provide Incentives to Villages

October 27, 2023 13:25 166x
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Upayakan Peningkatan Kinerja Lingkungan Hidup, Pemkab Seruyan Sosialisasikan Pedoman Penggunaan DBHDR untuk Pemberian Insentif ke Desa

The Seruyan District Government recently conducted a socialization event on the guidelines for utilizing Reforestation Funds (DBH DR), as a means to provide incentives to villages. This event, which took place on August 8, 2023, was held at the Seruyan Regional Financial and Asset Agency (BKAD) Hall. It focused on strategic measures related to DBH DR, jointly undertaken by the Seruyan District Government and USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR). The event was inaugurated by the Deputy Regent (Wabup) of Seruyan, Hj. Iswanti, representing Regent (Bupati) Yulhaidir.

Deputy Regent Iswanti highlighted the collaborative efforts between the Seruyan District Government and USAID SEGAR in developing strategic initiatives to enhance the utilization of remaining DBH DR. Notably, one significant step was the formulation of Seruyan Regent's Regulation (Perbup) Number 19 of 2023, which provides comprehensive guidance for utilizing the remaining DBH DR.

Deputy Regent Iswanti articulated, "Through this Regulation, we anticipate that village officials will be able to enhance their environmental performance. Outstanding performance will be duly recognized and rewarded through incentives from the DBH DR funds." Iswanti further explained that the outlined guidelines in the regulation were designed to bolster both developmental endeavors and environmental preservation within Seruyan. These regulations, aligned with PMK 216/PMK.07/2021, specify the criteria for villages eligible to participate, based on analysis of critical land maps, land cover maps, and forest and land fire maps.

It is imperative that the guidelines for utilizing the remaining DBH DR are effectively communicated to provide clarity, particularly to village governments, regarding the DBH DR policy. Iswanti concluded by urging sub-district heads to actively engage in supporting and guiding villages in their respective areas. She stressed the pivotal role of village heads in this endeavor.

"Through this initiative, I hope all subdistrict heads will offer guidance and support to the villages. Village heads should pay close attention to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the regulations being disseminated for the optimal utilization of the DBH DR Funds," Deputy Regent Iswanti emphasized. Additionally, a key strategic move involves training youth and village officials to proficiently implement the remaining DBH DR, including robust support for monitoring and evaluation.

Ensuring that relevant stakeholders comprehend the utilization of DBH DR is a crucial stride towards optimizing resource allocation for regional development, particularly within the environmental sector. Through this agreed-upon incentive mechanism, it is anticipated that the utilization of DBH DR will see a notable increase, ultimately delivering substantial benefits for the community and environment in Seruyan.

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