
USAID SEGAR Collaborates with Local Governments to Enhance Community Complaint Management Through SP4N-LAPOR!

July 24, 2023 11:00 162x
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Kolaborasi USAID SEGAR dengan Berbagai Pemerintah Daerah Optimalkan Pengelolaan Aduan Masyarakat Melalui SP4N-LAPOR!

Group photo featuring Muhammad Faisal, Head of East Kalimantan Province Communication and Informatics Service (Diskominfo); H. Zubair, Assistant for the Economy and Development of Kutim District; Ery Mulyadi, Head of Kutim Communication Informatics and Coding Service; along with various resource persons and participants attending technical guidance activities aimed at optimizing SP4N-LAPOR management for the East Kutai District Regional Government. Photo credit: Diskominfo Staper, East Kutai District

In the pursuit of an integrated complaint reporting system, USAID's Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) program partners with local governments within its operational areas to promote the development and implementation of the National Public Service Complaint Management System (SP4N) platform - People's Online Aspirations and Complaints Service (LAPOR)! This platform plays a crucial role in enabling the public to lodge complaints and voice concerns on various public matters. Effectively managed and addressed public grievances stand as pivotal elements in upholding the quality of public services and accountable governance.

More specifically, USAID SEGAR aims to enhance the utilization of SP4N-LAPOR! for reporting issues related to the environment and land management. Until now, SP4N-REPORT! has been predominantly associated with reports concerning public infrastructure such as road conditions and drainage problems. Notably, many individuals are unaware that SP4N-LAPOR! also accommodates complaints about issues such as water quality, biodiversity, and more.

Recognizing the significance of the SP4N-LAPOR platform!, USAID SEGAR is committed to streamlining the process for the public to submit complaints seamlessly. Additionally, USAID SEGAR endeavors to provide technical support, including capacity-building initiatives for local governments, to enhance efficient complaint management. Some of the outcomes of USAID SEGAR's efforts in optimizing SP4N LAPOR!, which have been evident in districts like North Aceh, East Kutai, and West Kotawaringin.

Promoting SP4N-LAPOR Alignment! in North Aceh

Foto 06_workshop sinergi pengelolaan pengaduan melalui SP4N-LAPOR! Aceh Utara.jpgEngaging in a dialogue regarding the allocation of authority within regional government for the management of public complaints, with a specific focus on the environmental and land sectors. This discussion took place during the complaint management synergy workshop facilitated by SP4N-LAPOR!. Photo credit: USAID SEGAR

In June 2022, with the backing of USAID SEGAR, the North Aceh District Government introduced SP4N-LAPOR! The initiative also saw the establishment of a coordination team within the North Aceh District Government, along with the appointment of administrators tasked with overseeing SP4N-LAPOR! operations, as formalized in Regent Decree (SK) Number 061/487/2022. Furthermore, USAID SEGAR provided essential support in drafting the SP4N LAPOR Road Map Implementation Action Plan for North Aceh District, outlined in North Aceh District Head Decree No. 067/842/2022.

The collaborative efforts between the North Aceh District Government and USAID SEGAR persist, with a focus on aligning SP4N-LAPOR! to enhance the efficiency of complaint handling, particularly within the realm of environmental governance. The aspiration is to facilitate seamless integration among government entities, thereby expediting and improving the responsiveness to public grievances.

Beyond the district level, the alignment endeavors extended to coordination between the Provincial Government of Aceh and the North Aceh District Government, with facilitation by USAID SEGAR. This collaborative effort entailed discussions on enhancing connectivity. Moreover, in May 2023, a series of focus group discussions (FGD) brought together regional officials at the provincial level to craft action plans, delineate institutional authorities, and identify opportunities and challenges related to the alignment of SP4N-LAPOR!.

The alignment of SP4N-LAPOR! heralds prospects for more efficient data and information exchange between district and provincial administrations, enhancing the role of provincial governments in overseeing and evaluating systems at the district level. This, in turn, supports comprehensive analysis of complaint patterns, identification of recurring constraints, and formulation of optimal solutions for the community.

Engaging the Public in Crafting the SP4N-LAPOR SOP! in East Kutai

Foto 06_dalam lokakarya pengembangan SOP SP4N-LAPOR! Kabupaten Kutai Timur.jpgDiscussions during the SP4N-LAPOR Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) development workshop in East Kutai District. Photo credit: USAID SEGAR

In September 2022, with the support of USAID SEGAR, the East Kutai District Government unveiled the SP4N-LAPOR! Action Plan (Renaksi) for the year 2022-2023. Presently, the collaborative endeavor between the East Kutai District Government and USAID SEGAR is centered around the formulation of the SP4N-LAPOR! Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Employing a participatory approach involving stakeholders and the public, this initiative aims to craft an SOP that aligns with community requirements, thereby enhancing the efficacy and responsiveness of complaint management within East Kutai.

In April 2023, the Office of Communication, Statistical Informatics, and Encryption (Diskominfo) of East Kutai District convened a working meeting with USAID SEGAR to outline a timeline, establish a working group, and develop plans for public and governmental agency discussions. These exchanges aimed to compile academic materials serving as the foundation for the SP4N-LAPOR SOP!.

Continuing these efforts, Diskominfo Staper organized a session titled "Technical Guidance for Optimizing Management of SP4N-LAPOR! within the Regional Government of East Kutai District as Part of the Acceleration of Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE) Implementation." This instructional session targeted implementers and contact personnel responsible for operating the SP4N-LAPOR! platform. Participating members not only received capacity training but actively contributed insights from their field experiences to shape the development of the SP4N-LAPOR! SOP. USAID SEGAR played a pivotal role in facilitating this collaborative undertaking.

In a subsequent step toward finalizing the draft SP4N-LAPOR! SOP in East Kutai, academic papers, previously compiled, were presented during Focus Group Discussions (FGD) in June 2023. This platform provided a platform to garner valuable input and feedback, instrumental for refining the SP4N-LAPOR! SOP draft before formalization.

By fostering close cooperation between the Government of East Kutai District and USAID SEGAR throughout the stages of action plan formulation, technical guidance, SOP preparation, and the impending SP4N-LAPOR! implementation phase, the objective is to advance the implementation of a "no wrong door policy" in public service. This concerted effort aspires to ensure swift and effective resolution of grievances raised by the residents of East Kutai.

Elevating Complaint Management Through SP4N-LAPOR! in Sanggau

Foto 06_SP4N LAPOR Sanggau.jpgEngaged in constructive discussions about the formulation of the SP4N-LAPOR Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in Sanggau. Photo credit: JARI Indonesia Borneo Barat for USAID SEGAR 

In a collaborative event held in conjunction with the Sanggau District Government and USAID SEGAR in May 2022, Sanggau Regent Paolus Hadi, S.IP, M.Si addressed various local apparatus organizations (OPD), highlighting how SP4N-LAPOR! is geared to swiftly, clearly, and accurately address complaints in line with established standards. The Sanggau District Government is evidently committed to managing public service complaints through SP4N-LAPOR! at the district level. Managed by the Diskominfo Sanggau District, SP4N-REPORT! has been seamlessly integrated with 43 regional apparatus organizations (OPD) within the Sanggau District administrative landscape.

In its capacity as a developmental collaborator, USAID SEGAR actively supports the Sanggau District Government in disseminating information about the monitoring and reporting platform. This includes initiatives to enhance its management and utilization, particularly in the realm of environmental and land issues. Notably, USAID SEGAR lent support to the preparation of an academic study evaluating the effectiveness of managing public reports related to environmental and land matters through SP4N-LAPOR! in Sanggau.

As of the most recent developments until June 2023, the Sanggau District Government is working in tandem with USAID SEGAR to update the existing SP4N-LAPOR! SOP, tailored to the local context. During a SOP preparation workshop held on June 8, 2023, the Head of Sanggau District's Diskominfo, H. Joni Irwanto, emphasized the crucial role of public engagement in enhancing service quality. He emphasized, "The SP4N-LAPOR! application serves as a conduit for the public's feedback and suggestions, obligating us to address each report and public complaint." This reiterates the significance of establishing SOPs for the Sanggau District Government, underscoring the commitment to enhancing public complaint management through SP4N-LAPOR! and aligning with democratic principles. This endeavor is integral to the government's responsibility of bolstering community service quality.

In essence, the SOP SP4N-LAPOR! encompasses at least six key aspects, each reflecting the requirements for effective complaint management services within the Sanggau District. Moving forward, the agenda remains centered on SOP preparation, aiming to stimulate community participation in voicing opinions to enhance governance, particularly in the domains of environment and land management. This holds particular importance for the village populace, as these concerns significantly impact their daily lives.

Enhancing Technical Proficiency of SP4N-LAPOR Organizers in West Kotawaringin

Foto 06_Peluncuran Rencana Aksi SP4N LAPOR! Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat Tahun 2023-2026.JPGLaunch of the SP4N LAPOR! Action Plan for Kotawaringin Barat District 2023-2026. Photo credit: USAID SEGAR 

In March 2023, the West Kotawaringin District Government (Kobar) officially unveiled the SP4N-LAPOR! Action Plan for the period 2023-2026. The launch of ReSP4N-REPORT! is the culmination of a series of workshops, self-assessment exercises, and deliberations that have transpired since late 2022, all with the valuable support of USAID SEGAR.

Concurrently, the Kobar District Government collaborated closely with USAID SEGAR to effectuate adjustments to the SK SP4N-LAPOR! Technical Team. This recalibration is essential to ensure the alignment of the technical team's role with the prevailing administrative structure, in tandem with the ongoing local government restructuring.

With an unwavering focus on the successful execution of SP4N-LAPOR!, the Kobar District Government, in partnership with USAID SEGAR, has accorded paramount importance to training essential personnel tasked with complaint management and the operational management of the SP4N-LAPOR! system.

The upcoming initiatives in June 2023 encompass a series of technical training sessions for SP4N-LAPOR! liaison administrators and a comprehensive discourse on the formulation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), in collaboration with USAID SEGAR. These training endeavors are designed to enhance the comprehension and skill set of key personnel, who will play a pivotal role as SP4N-LAPOR! administrators. The SOP discussion is poised to chart the course of action and timeline for SOP development, slated for subsequent phases.

Driven by a spirit of collaboration, both the local government and USAID SEGAR are optimistic that the implementation of SP4N-LAPOR! will culminate in transparent and accountable governance practices. Moving ahead, USAID SEGAR remains steadfast in its commitment to support the continued implementation of SP4N-LAPOR!. Moreover, strategic initiatives aimed at broadening the scope of this platform to encompass more USAID SEGAR operational areas are poised to persist and expand. (*)

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