
USAID SEGAR Receives Awards from Sintang Regency and West Kalimantan Provincial Governments in Governance and Development Partnerships

January 30, 2024 10:03 396x
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USAID SEGAR Terima Penghargaan dari Pemkab Sintang dan Pemprov Kalbar dalam Bidang Tata Kelola Pemerintahan dan Mitra Pembangunan

USAID SEGAR accepts an award from the West Kalimantan Provincial Government in the Development Partner category. Photo: USAID SEGAR

Since 2021, USAID Sustainable Environmental Governance Across Regions (SEGAR) has been actively engaged in four districts in West Kalimantan, supporting local governments, the private sector, and communities in achieving a balance between economic growth and biodiversity conservation. USAID SEGAR has conducted various studies related to environmental governance and has been involved in mapping priority supply chains. Additionally, the project has supported local governments in enhancing existing multi-stakeholder forums and optimizing environmental and land use planning to mitigate the threat of climate change.

To recognize the contributions of private companies, non-governmental organizations, and other development partners, the Sintang District Government organized the 5th annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award event alongside the inaugural Mitra Pembangunan Award. This event, held on Thursday, December 14, 2023, aimed to acknowledge the efforts of 41 development partners and non-governmental organizations operating in 133 villages and 12 sub-districts in Sintang. Awards were presented across 13 categories, including health, education, disaster relief, clean water and sanitation, and governmental governance.

During the ceremony, USAID SEGAR was honored by the Sintang District Government in the Governance category. This recognition reflects the government's appreciation for USAID SEGAR's support in various initiatives, such as assisting in the preparation of the Environmental Protection and Management Plan (RPPLH), strengthening the multi-stakeholder forum of the Sintang Sustainable Development Secretary, conducting Strategic Environmental Studies (KLHS) for RTRWK, and developing the KLHS Detailed Spatial Plan for Kota Kelam. The collaborative efforts between USAID SEGAR and the Swandiri Sintang Initiative (SIS) were also commended for their role in enhancing the capacity of village communities. Alponsus Alpiadi, the Sintang District Coordinator for USAID SEGAR, accepted the award on behalf of the project.

The event was inaugurated by the Regent of Sintang, Dr. H. Jarot Winarno, M.Med.Ph., who expressed gratitude for the contributions of non-governmental organizations and development partners towards realizing the vision of Sustainable Sintang through collaborative governance. "Hopefully there will be more development partners. All of you who contribute to Sintang's development, we are merely stewards. It is essential to recognize your efforts," remarked Regent Jarot during his address.

In attendance was Kartiyus, S.H., M.Si., the Regional Secretary of Sintang District, who expressed optimism following the award ceremony. Kartiyus highlighted that the event could inspire development partners to continue their support for the development of Sintang District.

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The USAID SEGAR team for the West Kalimantan region with the Mitra Pembangunan Award certificate and plaque from the Sintang District Government. Photo: USAID SEGAR  

Meanwhile, at the provincial level, coinciding with the West Kalimantan Provincial Government's 67th anniversary commemoration ceremony on January 29th, USAID SEGAR was honored by the West Kalimantan Provincial Government in the Sustainable Governance category. This recognition, shared with another USAID project, USAID ERAT. Specifically on USAID SEGAR, the West Kalimantan Provincial Government acknowledges the invaluable support and collaboration provided by USAID SEGAR towards sustainable environmental preservation and inclusive economic development and livelihoods in the region.

The Site Manager of USAID SEGAR for the West Kalimantan region, M. Hermayani Putera, accepted the award on behalf of the project, expressing gratitude for the acknowledgment from the West Kalimantan Provincial Government.

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