Cultivation Registration Certificate (STDB) is a certificate given to farmers who have a land area of less than 25 ha. STDB is a tool/instrument to ensure business certainty and product traceability in the supply chain.
USAID SEGAR, in collaboration with the Seruyan District Government and the Directorate General of Plantations, Ministry of Agriculture, conducted a pilot workshop on e-STDB and data collection on independent oil palm smallholders at the village level, Seruyan District. The activity, which was held for four days on November 22-25, 2021 at the Aquarius Hotel, Sampit, provided socialization and practice of using the STDB online platform to agricultural extension workers and related technical offices. For the participants to have a better understanding, the workshop also carried out the practice of data filling, registering, and mapping, directly with the farmers in Pembuang Hulu 1 Village, Seruyan District.
The e-STDB pilot workshop was conducted in a hybrid manner. Participants who attended online came from the Ministry of Agriculture; Development, Planning, and Research Agency (Bappedalitbang) of Central Kalimantan Province; and Central Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service; while offline participants came from the Food Security and Plantation Service (DKPP) of Seruyan District, agricultural extension officers assistant officers from the DKPP and village officials from village representatives Pembuang Hulu 1.
"There are many benefits of STDB for farmers, including having access to financial assistance from financial institutions, getting financial assistance for replanting, getting subsidized fertilizer assistance, facilitating the establishment of institutional farmers, and facilitating the ISPO certification process as mandatory certification for oil palm farmers in Indonesia," said Albidinnor, SP as the Head of the Seruyan District DKPP who welcomed the e-STDB piloting as a form of updating data, making it easier for farmers to archive and database related to STDB itself.
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